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阿嬷 Ahma

My family found out that my grandma have Alzheimer two years ago. 

As we know that soon she will forget all of us and start to live in her past memories.

I took this chance to capture memories of her.

Pasar Malam

"Pasar Malam" is a Malay word for night market in Singapore. They sell variety of stuffs like foods, clothes, household object, phone casing, CD and a lot more. They also have game station for people to play and win some toys back.

I love going to the Pasar Malam since I was a kid. It's a memory for me and my family, we would spent time together and shop for really good and cheap stuffs and try out all the different kind of foods. We really enjoy going to the Pasar Malam. 


My first corss processed film. CT Precisa 100 film.

Hello Beautiful

An experimental close up shot of flower in ice while melting.

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